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Secure Software Manager


We have made some changes to Secure Software Manager to introduce optional controls around user credential security and also made enhancements to the user interface for keypair management:

  • New user credential storage options for SSM Client Tools - We have extended new options for user credential storage in Secure Software Manager to provide more secure alternatives to users storing their credentials in environment variables. Our new design implements a fallback approach, where we will check for the user credentials to be stored in a properties file in the user profile home and also check for credentials stored in the OS store so SSM can consume them but they are not readable in plain text. This new functionality is compatible with Windows and Linux and will also be support for Apple Key Chain when we release our Apple CryptoTokenKit client later in Q2.

  • Keypair Details UX enhancements - SSM Keypair details page is now aligned with the new DigiCert One UI style guide look and feel. Users with manage keypair permission who wish to change the status of a keypair from online to offline or vice versa now need to click on the options button beside edit to make this change.


  • Customers can create keypair profiles even when keypair profile is a mandatory requirement setting is disabled

  • Email alerts direct customers to DigiCert One homepage to support sign-in to action alerts via email

  • Trust Anchor bug fix related to public and private hierarchy configuration
