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View agent details

Go to Discovery & automation tools > Agents to see all the active DigiCert​​®​​ agents installed on your host systems.

Select an agent by name to view and edit the details for it.

Operational summary

The summary at the top of the agent details page shows:

  • Current agent status.

  • Hostname or IP address of the system where this agent is installed.

  • Agent software version.

  • Date and time this agent was deployed.

  • Date and time this agent was last updated.

Agent details sections

Assets found by this agent

  • Managed certificates: The number of certificates managed by this agent on the local server. Select the count link to view these certificates on your Inventory page, where you can monitor and manage them.

  • Unsecured IP/ports: The number of IP/port targets found by the agent that do not have certificates installed. Select the count link to view these unsecured IP/ports on your Inventory page, where you can request new certificates for them.


  • Agent name: Name assigned to this agent.

  • Auto-update: Whether the agent software is set to automatically update when a new version is available.

  • Operating system: Host operating system.

  • Operating system version: Host OS version (if known).

  • Business unit: The business unit this agent is assigned to.

  • Group: Any agent group this agent belongs to.

Server Name Indication (SNI)

Whether SNI is enabled for the agent so it can discover and automate websites configured to use SNI.

If SNI is enabled for the agent, it lists the configured domain names (manual configuration) or the name of the SNI information script used to learn them (dynamic configuration).Agent scripts

IP/port targets

The list of IP addresses and ports found by this agent on the local server:

  • For each individual IP/port target, the server application and version is shown if configured there. Any IP/port targets configured as such are available to have their certificates managed by the agent.

  • IP/port targets that do not show a server application or version must be configured before the agent can automate certificates on them.

Pre/post-install scripts

Any pre-installation or post-installation scripts configured on the agent, per web server application. See Agent scripts.Agent scripts

Post-install service restart

Whether the agent is configured to automatically restart the web server application after installing a certificate.

Advanced settings

The heartbeat interval at which this agent contacts DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Lifecycle Manager to learn about scheduled automation requests or updates (default is 30 seconds). DigiCert agents use a pull model of communications to sync with Trust Lifecycle Manager.

Email notification recipients

The list of users who receive notifications about this agent.

The user who installed this agent receives notifications by default.