Secure Software Manager - Signing Manager is now Secure Software Manager, this name change is reflected in DigiCert ONE navigation and links.
UI/UX Improvements – We have changed our responses to now return the most recently updated records when customers make a request for information. For example, when customers look to get a list of keypairs the most recently created and modified keypairs will be shown at the top of the response list. We are also supplying more meaningful data in the UI, where previously we supplied the UID of the user we are now returning the users name.
Account Licensing – We have implemented controls to limit signature and cryptographic operations on a customer's account in line with their service agreement. Account licenses are implemented by a system user and limited as well as consumption rates are visible to both system and account scope users with view license permissions. All account license updates are tracked in the account audit trail for customer visibility. New Permissions have been added to Secure Software Manager to support View Secure Software License and (account and system scope) Manage Secure Software License (system scope only).
Default Certificates – In Secure Software Manager, multiple certificates can be associated with a single keypair. When generating a new keypair and new certificate, the certificate will be always set as the default certificate. With respect to keypairs which have existing certs, users can create a new certificate and have the option to set this new certificate as the default certificate or leave the existing default certificate as the default.
Updated Dashboard - We have refreshed our dashboard to display the licensing limit and consumption related to both signature units and cryptographic operation units. For Signatures we will show consumption to date and project what is projected consumption of the remaining units for the rest of the customers license term.
Keypair Access Controls – Not all users should have access to all keypairs. So we have introduced keypair controls so that keypairs (and their associated certificates) can be either limited to a user/group of users or unlimited - meaning every user can use it, Who has access to keypairs can be determined at the time of keypair generation and also modified later to add/remove users access or change keypair type from limited to unlimited or vice versa.