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Uninstall DigiCert Trust Assistant


  1. Locate the app in the Finder. Most apps are in your Applications folder, which you can open by clicking Applications in the sidebar of any Finder window.

  2. If the client is installed for All users , then an admin credential is required to uninstall it.

  3. Drag the app to the Trash or select the app and choose File > Move to Bin.


  1. Navigate to Control Panel --> Programs and Features --> Choose DigiCert Trust Assistant and uninstall the application.

  2. Alternatively, you can open File Explorer and move to <HOME>\AppData\Local\Programs\DigiCert Trust Assistant.

  3. Find the Uninstall DigiCert Trust Assistant.exe. Launch the app.

  4. When the uninstaller wizard appears, click Next.

  5. After it uninstalls, click Finish.

  6. If the client was installed for All users, then admin credential is required to uninstall it.
