To view existing certificate profiles in your account:
From the main menu, select Policies > Certificate profiles.
Sort certificate profiles in ascending or descending order by selecting a column title.
Filter certificate profiles by selecting the filter icons in the column headers. Multiple filters can be applied.
Customize the table columns by selecting the table settings icon at the right side of the table header. Available columns include:
Status: Current status of the certificate profile. Must be Active to issue certificates with this profile.
Certificate template: The certificate template used to create this certificate profile.
Issuing CA: The issuing certificate authority for certificates issues with this profile.
Business unit: The assigned business unit for the certificate profile. Determines available seat licenses and who can manage the profile.
Seat type: The seat type consumed when issuing a certificate with this profile.
Authentication method: The authentication method used when issuing a certificate with this profile.
Enrollment method: The method used to enroll a certificate with this profile (for example, Acme, CSR, or REST API).
Select a profile's name to view the details for it.