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Use the following information to help troubleshoot DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Assistant errors.

Enable debug logging for DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Assistant

Use the following steps to enable debug logging for DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Assistant.

  1. Exit DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Assistant. To exit, select the DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Assistant icon from the system tray and select Exit.

  2. Open ~/.digicert-trust-assistant/config.json in any text editor.

  3. Change logger.format.level from info to debug.

  4. Save and close the text editor.

  5. Relaunch the DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Assistant application.

logger.format.level to debug as follows:
“logger”: {
    “format”: {
      “level”: “debug”,
      “timestamp”: “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"

Error during post-processing scripts

For detailed troubleshooting information, see Troubleshoot post-processing scripts.

Hardware Token Not detected

If your token is not detected:

  1. Refer to Add hardware token documentation to confirm you have configured your hardware token correctly.

  2. Confirm that the corresponding hardware token driver is installed.

Service config not found for WorkFlowService

Error message

Critical error in main process
Error: Service config not found for WorkFlowService

Log error

2023-12-06 14:21:55.822 [debug] ConfigManager.getServiceConfig():name = WorkFlowService
2023-12-06 14:21:55.822 [debug] ConfigManager.getServiceConfig():service = undefined
2023-12-06 14:21:55.823 [error] Main.ErrorHandler Detected 'unhandledRejection'


This error occurs because there is a backward compatibility issue with DigiCert Trust Assistant when a user downgrades from version 1.1.4 to 1.1.3.


  1. Exit DigiCert Trust Assistant.

  2. Delete or rename the ~/.digicert-trust-assistant/config.json file.

  3. Download and install DigiCert Trust Assistant version 1.1.3 or older.

  4. Start DigiCert Trust Assistant.

Log files

Refer to the DigiCert Trust Assistant logs at the following locations for more information when troubleshooting.

Operating system

Log location





Yubico tokens

Unable to log into Yubico token from DigiCert Trust Assistant

Try the following:

  • Refresh tokens from the Dashboard and log into Yubico token.

  • Replug the token and log into Yubico token.

  • Relaunch the application.

Unable to view certificates on DigiCert Trust Assistant

Try the following:

  • Refresh tokens from the Dashboard.

  • Replug the token.

  • Relaunch the application.

Unable to synchronize the certificate to the Windows Certificate Store

First, try replugging the token.

If this does not work, confirm the following:

  1. Open Device Manager on Windows and make sure the smart card with name Yubikey Smart Card Minidriver is listed under Smart cards. If not listed, try rebooting your system.

  2. Reset CHUID (Card Holder Unique Identifier) for Yubikey by using the following command:

    yubico-piv-tool -averify-pin -P<PIN> -aset-chuid

    Refer to YubiKey PIV introduction.

  3. Verify that the PIN tries left value is not negative. Use the following command to verify it. Try step 2 if the result is negative.

    yubico-piv-tool -astatus
    C:\Program Files\Yubico\Yubico PIV Tool\bin>yubico-piv-tool.exe -astatus
    Version:        5.4.3
    Serial Number:  25308431
    CHUID:  ********************************************************
    CCC:    No data available
    PIN tries left: -1
  4. After completing steps 1-3, check the DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Assistant notification panel for a Rerun Certificate Synchronization action.

    • If the action is available, trigger it to perform the synchronization.

    • If the notification is not listed, try unplugging and replugging the token.


The Rerun Certificate Synchronization notification is available only from version 1.2.1.
