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Update GPG keypair

Update GPG keypair commands begin with:

smctl gpg keypair update <GPG keypair alias or ID>


smctl gpg kp edit <GPG keypair alias or ID>


Table 1. Flags for updating GPG keypairs




--alias string

Specify GPG keypair alias.

--can-sign string

Specify if GPG keypair can be used to sign.

--key-status string

Set GPG keypair status to online or offline.

-uids stringArray

Specify the UIDs for the master key in the following format: "name=<user_name>, comment<comment>,email=<user_email_id>".

--account-id string

Provide the account ID for the user.



Help with updating GPG keypair.

Example 1

Description: Change the GPG key alias.


smctl gpg kp edit <GPG keypair alias or ID> --alias <new key alias>

Command sample:

smctl gpg keypair update master-gpg-key --alias master-gpg-key-changed

Example 2

Description: Remove sign privileges and set key status to offline for GPG key.


smctl gpg kp edit <GPG keypair alias or ID> --can sign <Yes or No> --key-status=<offline or online>

Command sample:

smctl gpg keypair update master-gpg-key --can-sign No --key-status=OFFLINE