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CertCentral 受管理的自動化支援最熱門的特有網頁伺服器應用。

CertCentral 也允許透過「自訂應用程式」選項設定第三方 ACME 用戶端,為延伸原始未支援的其他應用程式的憑證管理提供了靈活性。


Custom automations require an active DigiCert agent on the server. The agent:

  • Coordinates each automation request sent through Trust Lifecycle Manager, including details about the requested certificate type and properties.

  • Invokes your custom shell script on the server to complete the request and install the certificate for your application.

For detailed instructions about how to install and activate DigiCert agents on your servers, see Deploy and manage agents.

In addition to a DigiCert agent, the server must have the Certbot ACME client installed.

Your custom shell script invokes Certbot to complete each request and install the resulting certificate for your custom Linux or Windows application.

For detailed instructions about how to download and install the Certbot client, refer to the official Certbot instructions.

You need a shell script to help manage the certificates for your custom application.

The shell script contains the Certbot command to request and install certificates for your application via the Trust Lifecycle Manager ACME service. Below are example shell scripts for Linux and Windows.

Example scripts

Usage notes

Variable definitions at the top of these shell scripts set the required ACME request parameters:

  • These must match up with the ACME arguments you configure for the custom application in Trust Lifecycle Manager (see below).

  • During an automation event, values for these arguments are supplied to the shell script by the local DigiCert agent.

Commands used in the shell script:

  • Must include all mandatory parameters.

  • Must not exceed 512 characters.

  • Must not include special directives like rm -rf or rmdir

The shell script filename:

  • Must end with .sh or .bat.

  • Must not exceed 255 characters.

使用 CertCentral 管理自動化功能表完成您的自訂應用的設定:

  1. 在您的 CertCentral 帳戶的左側主功能表中,前往自動化 > 管理自動化

  2. From the More actions dropdown at top, select Add script.

  3. Fill out the Add script form:

    1. Name: Enter a user-friendly name to use when referencing the script.

    2. Operating system: Select the applicable operating system (Linux or Windows).

    3. Script type: Select Custom automation.

    4. Script filename: Enter the script's filename in or path relative to the local agent's user-scripts sub-directory.

      • Linux: If your script is named "" and is stored directly in the agent's user-scripts sub-directory, enter here. If you stored the script within an additional sub-directory called "custom-apps" in the user-scripts sub-directory, enter custom-apps/ instead.

      • Windows: If your script is named "myscript.bat" and is stored directly in the agent's user-scripts folder, enter myscript.bat here. If you stored the script within an additional sub-folder called "custom-apps" in the user-scripts folder, enter custom-apps\myscript.bat instead.


      Make sure there are no spaces in the filename for either Linux or Windows. The script will fail if the path or filename has spaces in it.

    5. Command-line arguments: Enter a space-separated list of general ACME parameters to use with your custom automation script.


      {acmeDirectoryUrl} {hosts} {email} {key} {extActKid} {extActHmac}


      • 每個引數的輸入必須完全如此處所示。

      • 引數的順序必須和您的殼層指令集中的使用方式相符。

      • 在自動化事件期間,這些引數需要的值自動從選取的自動化設定檔中取得。

      CertCentral 受管理的自動化支援的 ACME 引數說明:

      • {acmeDirectoryUrl} – ACME directory URL 設定。

      • {hosts} – 憑證主機詳細資料。

      • {email} – 通知的電郵地址。

      • {key} – 金鑰演算法 (RSA 或 ECC)。

      • {extActKid} – URL 中使用的外部帳戶金鑰識別碼。

      • {extActHmac} – 用於簽署回應的 HMAC 金鑰。

    6. Description (optional): Enter an optional description for the script to help identify it when working with DigiCert agents and agent-based automations in Trust Lifecycle Manager.

  4. 管理自動化視圖中,選取在相同憑證主機上運行的本機 ACME 代理程式的名稱作為自訂的應用程式。

To complete the custom automation configuration, assign the script to any DigiCert agents that will coordinate certificate lifecycle automation events for the custom application:

  1. From the Trust Lifecycle Manager main menu, select Discovery & automation tools > Agents.

  2. Locate the local DigiCert agents on the systems where the custom application is running. Select each agent by name to view the details for it.

  3. Select the pencil (edit) icon on the right of the agent details page to update the agent configuration.

  4. In the IP/port targets section for the agent, locate any IP/port targets where the custom application is running and configure them as follows:

    • Application: Select Custom.

    • Custom automation script: Select the custom automation script by the name assigned to it in Trust Lifecycle Manager.

  5. Select the Update button at bottom to save your changes.

What's next

After enabling managed automation for your custom application, you can manage certificate deployments for it as you would any other server application in Trust Lifecycle Manager.

When you need a new certificate for your custom application:

  1. You submit the request through the Trust Lifecycle Manager web console or REST API.

  2. The DigiCert agent on the local system processes the certificate request and invokes your custom shell script with the required parameters.

  3. Your custom shell script invokes the Certbot ACME client to complete the request and install the new certificate for your application.