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Secure Software Manager

We have made some changes to Secure Software Manager to introduce optional controls around keypair generation, enable log export, and to improve communication to users about update and enhancements to client-side tools:

Keypair profile workflow enhancements - To support customers with requirements to control keypair generation, we have introduced profiles to allow customers to enforce attributes of keypair generation. This can limit users from having the ability to choose algorithms and key size/curve strength at the time of generation. Enabling keypair profiles can be enabled in Account Settings. This also integrates with our Access Policy Management to allow limiting of keypair profiles as well as certificate profiles to users and user groups.

Client Tools UX enhancements - SSM Clients tools are updated to deliver new functionality or resolve problems. To inform customers about these changes, we have introduced the following new functionality:

  • New banner messaging in the Client Tools Repository UI alerting customers to the fact that new versions of our SSM clients have been launched.

  • We now record in user account audit logs when clients have been downloaded and which user downloaded them.

  • When new clients are launched, email alerts are sent to users who have downloaded clients previously, informing them that a new version of the client is now available.

Support for log export - SSM audit and signature logs can now be exported from the UI in CSV format. If filtering is applied to the logs prior to export, this will mean the results in the CSV file will also reflect the filters applied in the console. **
