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Install the DigiCert Trust Assistant in silent mode

This section covers how you can install DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Assistant using the installers' silent mode. When you use silent mode, no installer dialog appears, so using this mode is a convenient method for the administrators to automate the installation to multiple user computers in the organization.

There are four installers (two each for Windows and macOS), and they can be installed, upgraded, and uninstalled in silent mode:

  • DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Assistant for Windows

  • DigiCert Software KeyStore Provider for Windows

  • DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Assistant for macOS

  • DigiCert Software KeyStore Token for macOS


The silent mode can be used only through the command line interface.

DigiCert Trust Assistant for Windows

Installation and upgrade

To use the silent mode to install and upgrade DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Assistant on Windows, change to the directory of the installer, and run the following command:

> "DigiCert Trust Assistant Setup <version>.exe" /S [/AllUsers] [/D="<install directory>"] [--force-run]


 > "DigiCert Trust Assistant Setup 1.2.0.exe" /S /AllUsers /D="C:\ProgramFiles\DigiCert Trust Assistant"  --force-run

Command reference descriptions






Silent mode argument to run the installer silently.



Perform per-machine or per-user installation:

  • /AllUsers specified: Per-machine installation. Requires local administrator privilege to install.

  • /AllUsers omitted: Per-user installation. No admin privilege is required.

/D "<install directory>"


Installs in the target directory. If not specified, the installation directory will change according to /AllUsers option.

  • /AllUsers specified: C:\ProgramFiles\DigiCert Trust Assistant.

  • /AllUsers omitted: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\DigiCert Trust Assistant.



Starts DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Assistant application after the installation is complete.


To uninstall in silent mode,  change the directory to the installation directory and run the following command:

"Uninstall DigiCert Trust Assistant.exe" /S

DigiCert Software KeyStore Provider for Windows

Installation and upgrade

The installer of DigiCert Software KeyStore Provider is available at:  <install directory>/resources/dsksprovider.msi

To install or upgrade in silent mode, run the following command. As this is provided only as per-machine installation, you will require a local administrator privilege to run this command:

> dsksprovider.msi /quiet


To uninstall, run the following command. This requires a local administrator privilege.

> msiexec /x dsksprovider.msi /quiet 

DigiCert Trust Assistant for macOS

Installation and upgrade

To perform per-machine installation and upgrade of DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Assistant on macOS, run the following command. You need superuser privilege to run this command, so first switch user (as required) before running the command:

$ sudo installer -pkg <path to pkg> -target /


$ sudo installer -pkg DigiCert\ Trust\ Assistant-1.2.0-universal.pkg -target /


You must enter the user password to elevate to superuser privilege, so this operation is not completely silent.

To perform per-user installation and upgrade, run the following command:

$ installer -pkg <path to pkg> -target CurrentUserHomeDirectory


$ installer -pkg ~/Downloads/DigiCert\ Trust\ Assitant-x.x.x-universal.pkg -target CurrentUserHomeDirectory

DigiCert Software KeyStore Token for macOS

Installation and upgrade

The package file of DigiCert Software KeyStore Token is available at:

<install directory>/DigiCert Trust

Only the per-user installation is available for the macOS version. To perform the per-user installation and upgrade, run the following command:

$ installer -pkg <path to pkg> -target CurrentUserHomeDirectory


$ installer -pkg ~/Applications/DigiCert\ Trust\ -target CurrentUserHomeDirectory


There is no uninstaller, so you can uninstall by removing the application directory.
