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Notarization status

After you upload your file, the notarization process typically takes less than an hour. This command is used to check the notarization status on the Notary Server.


Notarization status commands begin with:

smctl-mac-x64 notarization status --tool <notarytool or altool> --tool <notarytool or altool> <Software Trust Manager notarization ID or NotaryServer submission ID> <flags>


The flags required for this command differs based on the notarization tool you are using.


Notarization status commands support these flags:

Table 1. Flags for notarization status commands




--input string

Path to file.


Allowed file formats:

  • .pkg

  • .dmg

  • .zip

    Compress .app binaries into a .zip

--profile-name string

Provide a profile name for your credentials in Keychain.

--tool string

Provide the notarization tool name that should be used to save your credentials to Keychain.


Allowed tools:

  • notarytool

  • altool



Enable verbose logging for saving credentials.



Help for describing a scan.


The notarization status commands depend on the notarization tool that you are using.


For help with the describe scan command, use:

smctl-mac-x64 notarization status --help

Alternatively, use the abbreviated version of the command:

smctl-mac-x64 notarization status -h