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View administrator dashboard

The DigiCert​​®​​ Document Trust Manager dashboard provides a visual overview of your eSignatures and validations.

View dashboard

To view the dashboard:

  1. Sign in to DigiCert ONE.

  2. Navigate to: Manager menu icon (top right) > Document Trust.

  3. Select Dashboard.

The administrator dashboard uses charts, graphs, and tables to display information for the following:

Table 1. Administrator dashboard



Account signings

Use this graph to determine the number of eSignatures by all users in your account based on selected date filters.


Use this graph to determine your number of eSignatures based on selected date filters.

Validation tracking

Use this chart to track validations in your account:

Validation created

Validation request is saved to the database.

Validation error

Error occurs while creating credentials.

Invite sent

User is sent an email invitation to complete validation.

Invite failed

Email invitation fails.

Pending identity proofing

IDnow team is verifying documents.


Validation or IDnow team approves validation.


Validation or IDnow team rejects validation.


IDnow team aborts validation request.

Document verification error

Error occurs while verifying documents.


ID document expires after validation is approved.

Pending manual review

Validation team is verifying documents.

Pending signer approval

Self-enrolled manual validation waiting to be approved by Client administrator. See Approve pending signer.


User manually cancels validation.

Validation expiration

Use this table to view number of expiring and expired validations in your account.
