When using the verification email domain control validation (DCV) method to demonstrate control over your domains, CertCentral sends the approval email to several email addresses by default. However, you can configure which email addresses receive the approval emails.
The DCV verification email recipient setting also applies to TLS orders submitted through the CertCentral Services API that use the verification email DCV method.
In CertCentral, in the left menu, go to Settings > Preferences.
On the Preferences page, expand Advanced Settings.
In the Domain Control Validation (DCV) section, under Send verification DCV emails to, check the recipients you want to receive the domain validation approval email:
Organization/Technical/ Administrator contacts from DNS TXT
Organization/Technical/ Administrator contacts from WHOIS
When done, go to the bottom of the page and select Save Settings.
The next time CertCentral sends the domain validation approval emails, we will only send them to the selected recipients.