Use these instructions to renew your DigiCert Document Signing certificate: Document Signing – Organization (2000 and 5000) and Document Signing – Individual (500 and 2000).
End of life for DigiCert’s legacy Document Signing certificates
DigiCert is deprecating our older Document Signing certificates: Document Signing - Individual (500/2000) and Document Signing – Organization (2000/5000) certificates.
On March 19, 2025, we replaced the legacy document signing products in CertCentral with the new ones. When you renew a legacy document signing certificate in CertCentral, we will redirect you to its replacement certificate.
To learn more about the legacy certificate replacements, see the Legacy DigiCert Document Signing products section the Document Signing products page.
To learn how to renew your new Document Signing product, visit Renew your document signing individual, employee, or group certificate.
需要續訂您的 DigiCert Document Signing 憑證嗎?請遵照以下的步驟續訂您的憑證。
登入您的 CertCentral 帳戶。
填寫憑證續訂訂購表。請注意,在您提交續訂要求後,DigiCert 將會執行快速交叉檢查確認。
在資訊看板功能表中,按一下憑證 > 即將到期的憑證。
在到期前的 90 天,憑證不會出現在即將到期的憑證頁面上。