Use these instructions to add a domain to your CertCentral account and demonstrate control over the domain with the Email DCV method
在您可以預先驗證用於 TLS/SSL 驗證的網域前,您必須先提交其組織進行預先驗證。若要將網域用於 OV、EV 和/或 Private SSL 憑證,您必須提交其符合驗證類型的組織。
On May 8, 2025, DigiCert will end support for the WHOIS-based DCV email method. DigiCert systems will stop querying WHOIS entirely to find email addresses for domain validations.
If you still want to use the Email DCV method, use the DNS TXT record email contacts or the Constructed email method—Learn more.
To learn more about the end of life for WHOIS-based email, see our knowledge base article, End of Life for WHOIS based email DCV method.
Add the domain's organization to your CertCentral account
Before you can add and validate a domain in CertCentral, you must first add its organization to your CertCentral account so that the organization appears in the Organization menu when adding a new domain to CertCentral. See Add an organization to your CertCentral account.
Email DCV method
若要證明對網域擁有控制權,電郵收件者遵照傳送給網域的確認電郵中的指示。確認程序由瀏覽電郵中提供的連線和遵照頁面上的指示所組成。請參閱網域預先驗證:網域控制驗證 (DCV) 方法。
DigiCert sends this email from If using allowlist, make sure to include
The confirmation process consists of visiting the link in the email and following the instructions on the page.
若要證明對網域擁有控制權,電郵收件者遵照傳送給網域的確認電郵中的指示。確認程序由瀏覽電郵中提供的連線和遵照頁面上的指示所組成。請參閱網域預先驗證:網域控制驗證 (DCV) 方法。
在您的 CertCentral 帳戶的左側主功能表中,前往憑證 > 網域。
網域名稱:輸入憑證將保護安全的網域名稱 (例如。
在網域控制驗證 (DCV) 方法下,選取驗證電郵。
Select Choose address.
In the Choose address window, do the following:
Select the email addresses you want the confirmation email sent to.
Select Submit for validation.
DigiCert 將驗證電郵傳送到您選取的位址。