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Manage connectors

Ways to manage connectors

From the DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Lifecycle Manager Integrations > Connectors page:

  • Hover the connector name and open the actions menu on the right.

  • Alternatively, select the connector by name to view the details first and then manage it from there.

  • To bulk manage multiple connectors at once, select the checkboxes on the left and then open the Bulk actions dropdown menu next to one of them.

Available management functions

  • Run now: Run the connector service, for example to import certificates from the linked account.

  • Test connection: Test connectivity to the external account, appliance, or service.

  • Refresh configuration: Force Trust Lifecycle Manager to update its inventory of available IP addresses and ports on a connected network appliance or cloud service.

  • Delete: Permanently remove the connector.

Download connectors report

A connectors report gives you detailed information about the accounts, appliances, and services connected to your DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Lifecycle Manager account.

From the Integrations > Connectors page, select the download icon at top right to download a CSV report of all your connectors.
