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Edit common name and SANs on a pending TLS/SSL order: new, renewal, and reissue

While an order is pending, you may need to modify the common name or subject alternative names (SANs) on the order.

For example:

  • You entered a domain name incorrectly and need to update it.

  • You no longer need to secure a domain, want to remove it, and will add another domain later.

  • You are having issues validating a domain and need to remove it so that DigiCert can issue your certificate.


To modify the SANs on a pending order, you must be an admin or a manager with permission to access the order.

Before you begin

You secured a slot for all the SANs on the order when you submitted your request. Removing a domain from the certificate does not reduce the number of SAN slots on the order.

  • You can only replace a wildcard domain with another wildcard domain and a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) with another FQDN.

  • The total number of domains cannot exceed the number included in the original request.

  • Removed SANs can be added back for free, up to the amount purchased, any time after DigiCert issues your certificate.

  • Editing domains does not change the cost of the order. To reduce the certificate cost, you must cancel the pending order. Then submit a new request without the SANs you no longer want the certificate to secure.

Edit common name and SANs

  1. In your CertCentral account, in the left main menu, go to Certificates > Orders.

  2. On the Orders page, select the pending order or reissue for which you need to modify the common name or SANs.

  3. On the certificate’s Order details page, in the Certificate status section, under What do you need to do, next to Prove control over domains, select the edit icon (pencil).

  4. In the Edit domains window, update the common name and SANs as needed.

    Items to note about modifying SANs:

    • To add a SAN, you must first delete a SAN

    • The common name is required

    • Replace a wildcard domain with another wildcard domain

    • Replace a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) with another FQDN.

  5. When ready, select Update.

What’s next

As needed, complete the domain control validation (DCV) for newly added domains on the pending order: new, renewal, or reissue. See Demonstrate control over domains on your certificate order.
