List all notarizations.
To list all notarizations, use the command:
smctl notarization list
Alternatively, use the abbreviated version:
smctl notarization ls
List notarizations commands support these flags:
Shortcut | Flag | Description |
| --page int | Page number. Default is -1, which lists all pages. |
--size int | Page size. Default page size is 100. | |
-h | --help | Help for describing a scan. |
Description: If you had 10 notarizations, use this command to list your notarizations across 5 pages, with 2 notarizations listed on each page.
smctl notarization list --page <number of pages to list> --size <number of scans to list per page>
Command sample:
smctl notarization list --page 5 --size 2
For help with the list scans command, use:
smctl notarization list --help
Alternatively, use the abbreviated version of the command:
smctl notarization ls -h