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Register many devices

Before you begin

To complete these steps, make sure you have:

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  1. Sign in to DigiCert® ONE as a Solution Administrator, Device Creator, or Device Administrator.

  2. In DigiCert ONE, in the Manager menu (grid at top right), select Device Trust.

  3. In the Device Trust Manager menu, select Device management.

  4. Select Register devices > Register many devices.

  5. On the General settings step:

    1. Enter a Job name and, optionally, a Job description.

    2. Choose the Device group where the registered devices will be assigned.


      Make sure the chosen device group has an assigned certificate management policy configured for Batch certificate request through Portal or API with policy usage set to Bootstrap.

    3. Select Next.

  6. On the Certificate details step:

    1. Choose a Bootstrap certificate management policy from the dropdown.

    2. Optionally, add email addresses to receive notifications when the batch request is completed.

    3. If necessary, check the box to Allow users without DigiCert ONE accounts to pick up the certificate batch file.

    4. Select Next.

  7. On the Manage key generation options step:

    1. Select Who generates the keypairs:

      • I have the keypairs and will provide the CSRs or public keys in the request:

        • Upload a CSV file or a zipped CSV containing the device data. You can download the provided template for formatting guidance.

      • DigiCert ONE generates the keypairs and returns encrypted:

        1. Select the Key type.

        2. Choose how certificates will be encrypted by using an authentication certificate for your profile or uploading your own certificate.

        3. Upload a CSV file or a zipped CSV containing the device data. You can download the provided template for formatting guidance.

    2. Select Start request to begin the batch registration job.

The batch device registration job will start. You can monitor the job progress on the Jobs page. Once completed, the registered devices will appear on the Devices page in the devices table.
