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Scan software with FOSSA

Scan your software with FOSSA by providing the file path to the files you want to scan.


To scan software with FOSSA, use the command:

smctl scan fossa-scan --input <source code directory> --project <project alias> --scan-alias <scan alias>

Alternatively, use the abbreviated version of the command:

smctl sc fossa-scan --input <source code directory> --project <project alias> --scan-alias <scan alias>


Your account must be enabled for Software composition analysis (SCA).


Threat detection scan commands with FOSSA support these flags:

1. Flags for Threat detection scans with FOSSA





--input string

Provide the source code directory to scan.

--scan-alias string

Provide a name for this threat detection scan that will used as an identifiable alias in Software Trust Manager.


Always terminate the threat detection scan with exit code 0.

--project string

Provide the alias of the Software Trust Manager project you want this scan to be associated with.


Enable FOSSA debug logging.

--fossa-executable string

Provide the absolute path of fossa executable.

--host string

Provide the FOSSA API server base URL. (default "")


Enable FOSSA standard logging.

--version string

Provide the repository's current version/revision hash. (default: VCS hash HEAD)



Help for the ReversingLab scan.


Description: To scan your source code with FOSSA, provide your source code directory, project alias, scan alias, and version.


smctl scan fossa-scan --input <source code directory> --project <project alias> --scan-alias <scan alias>

Command sample:

smctl scan fossa-scan --input /app/SB-Setup/test-project --version HEAD --project xyz --scan-alias scan1


For help with the list scans command, use:

smctl scan fossa-scan --help

Alternatively, use the abbreviated version of the command:

smctl scan fossa-scan -h