On October 31, 2023, DigiCert stopped offering 4, 5, and 6-year Multi-year Plans for TLS certificates and Verified Mark Certificates (VMCs). DigiCert will continue to offer 1, 2, and 3-year Multi-year Plans. Learn more about the changes to Multi-year Plan coverage.
购买 DigiCert® 多年计划 (MyP),您只需支付一次价格就能享用长达六年的 SSL/TLS 证书有效期。在多年计划中,您选择 SSL/TLS 证书、证书的保障期限(最多六年)以及证书有效期。在计划到期前,每次在有效期满时,都可以免费补发证书。
Enterprise License Agreement (ELA) and Flat Fee contracts only support 1- and 2-year Multi-year Plans.
当有效的多年计划证书即将到期时,可以补发证书以维持 SSL/TLS 保障。
补发的证书有效期最长不超过 CA/B 论坛基准要求中规定的证书最长有效期或多年计划终止日(以较早的时间为准)。
删除和更改域需要 DigiCert 吊销以前颁发的所有证书。DigiCert 会等待 48 至 72 小时后再吊销原证书以及所有现有的副本和补发证书。
在多年计划到期之前续订多年计划,可以延长 SSL/TLS 保障期。
CertCentral subscription accounts no longer offer Multi-year Plans. Instead of purchasing a 1-, 2-, or 3-year Multi-year Plan order, you pay yearly for the assets you want to protect with your digital certificates. To learn more about the new subscription modal, visit CertCentral subscriptions.
Reissuing expiring MyP certificates
After converting your account to the new subscription model, you can still access your Multi-year Plan orders from the Legacy Orders page and reissue certificates.
In CertCentral, in the left menu, go to My Digital Trust Products > Legacy Orders.
On the Legacy Orders page, select the order number for the MyP certificate you need to reissue.
No need to extend your Multi-year Plan
Instead of extending your Multi-year Plan order, you only need to renew your order. With the new subscription payment model, instead of paying for three-year coverage up front, you now pay yearly for the assets you want to protect with your digital certificates, such as a website domain (TLS) or an email domain (Mark Certificates).