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DigiCert​​®​​ IoT Trust Manager

New and enhancements

Manage Passcodes Through API - Added API endpoints to further manage enrollment profile passcodes. Added: edit, regenerate passcode, enable, disable, and restore

GlobalPlatform Certificate Subject Identifier - Now the subject identifier field in a GlobalPlatform certificate supports passing a HEX value. Previously only supported plain text that would be converted by DigiCert​​®​​ IoT Trust Manager to HEX.

New GlobalPlatform Certificate Type - Now there is support for GlobalPlatform CERT.OCE.ECKA certificate type

Batches Larger Than 50K - Now batches larger than 50 thousand certificates can be submitted. The maximum batch size for MAC Address certificate batches is 1 million. The CSV and CSR options support up to a 200 MB CSV and ZIP of CSRs.

Server-Side key gen - Now there are options in an enrollment profile to allow a portal or API user can make a request for a certificate without a CSR. DigiCert​​®​​ IoT Trust Manager will generate a private key and certificate for the user.

Enhancement to Certificates Table - Certificate Extended Key Usage (EKU) and certificate Key Usage (KU) are now being stored in the certificates table. Added these to columns and filters to the certificates table.

Settings on Tables are Persistent - Now when a user makes changes on table filters, columns, sort order, and rows per page they will be remembered for each time the user visits that table for that browser.

Manage Enrollment Profile Credentials Permission - There is a new permission for managing DigiCert​​®​​ IoT Trust Manager enrollment profile credentials, passcodes and authentication certificates. Now you can separate the users who manage the enrollment profile creation and edits from the users who manage the enrollment profile credentials.

SAN URI and SAN Registered ID Added support for two more subject alternative names - Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and Registered ID
