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添加域、授权证书的域和使用验证电子邮件作为 DCV 方法

Use these instructions to add a domain to your CertCentral account and demonstrate control over the domain with the Email DCV method


在对域进行预验证用于 TLS/SSL 验证前,您必须先提交组织进行预验证。如果您想将域用于 OV、EV 和/或 Private SSL 证书,您必须提交用于匹配的验证类型的组织。

The industry is moving away from using WHOIS to identify domain contacts. DigiCert recommends that those using the WHOIS-based Email DCV method update their domain validation processes to use one of the other supported DCV methods as soon as possible.


Add the domain's organization to your CertCentral account

Before you can add and validate a domain in CertCentral, you must first add its organization to your CertCentral account so that the organization appears in the Organization menu when adding a new domain to CertCentral. See Add an organization to your CertCentral account.

Email DCV method

要证明对域的控制权,电子邮件收件人需执行为该域发送的确认邮件中的说明。确认流程包括访问电子邮件中提供的链接并执行页面上的说明。请参阅域预验证域控制验证 (DCV) 方法:。

  • DigiCert sends this email from If using allowlist, make sure to include

  • The confirmation process consists of visiting the link in the email and following the instructions on the page.

要证明对域的控制权,电子邮件收件人需执行为该域发送的确认邮件中的说明。确认流程包括访问电子邮件中提供的链接并执行页面上的说明。请参阅域预验证域控制验证 (DCV) 方法:。


  1. 在您的 CertCentral 帐户的左侧主菜单中,转到证书 > 域

  2. 页面上,单击新域

  3. 新域页面的域详细信息下,输入以下信息:

    1. 域名:输入证书要保护的域名(例如,。

    2. 组织:在下拉列表中,选择您要向其分配域的组织。

  4. 域控制验证 (DCV) 方法下,选择验证邮件

  5. 选择向其发送验证邮件的电子邮件地址。

  6. Select Choose address.

  7. In the Choose address window, do the following:

    1. Select the email addresses you want the confirmation email sent to.

    2. Select Submit for validation.


DigiCert 将向您选择的地址发送验证邮件。