PsExec is a lightweight telnet replacement that lets you execute processes on remote systems.
You can use PsExec to install the DigiCert agent software onto your Windows servers in silent mode over the network.
Make sure you have completed all the steps in the Windows agent silent mode preparation and know the network path to the shared silent mode installer script (for example, \\my-server\WindowsAgent\DigiCertAgentGPOInstaller.bat).
All target systems must be members of an Active Directory (AD) domain.
You need user credentials for an account with AD domain admin privileges.
Make sure you can access the
executable on the AD server where you will manage the installation. You can download the PsTools software bundle from the official Microsoft site.
To install the DigiCert agent on one or more remote Windows servers, run PsExec from an Active Directory server that can reach all the target systems by resolving their hostnames.
Run the following command:
PsExec64.exe -h -d -i \\{TARGET SYSTEM AD NAME} -u {AD DOMAIN}\{USERNAME} -p {PASSWORD} "{INSTALL SCRIPT PATH}" -accepteula -nobanner
For example:
PsExec64.exe -h -d -i \\WS2012node1 -u gpo-domain\Administrator -p AdDomain09 "\\my-server\WindowsAgent\DigiCertAgentGPOInstaller.bat" -accepteula -nobanner
Descriptions of command arguments:
Argument | Description |
| Active Directory name of the target system to install the agent on. |
| Active Directory domain name. |
| Username for an account with AD domain admin privileges. |
| Password for the above AD user account. |
| Shared universal naming convention (UNC) path for the silent mode installer script ( |
To use PsExec to install the DigiCert agent on multiple systems at once, create a text file on the local AD server (for example, target_systems.txt) that contains the AD names of the target systems, one per line. For example:
WS2012node1 WS2012node2 WS2012node3
Run the following command to install the agent on all the target systems in the list:
PsExec64.exe -h -d -i @{TEXT FILE} -u {AD DOMAIN}\{USERNAME} -p {PASSWORD} "{INSTALL SCRIPT PATH}" -accepteula -nobanner
For example:
PsExec64.exe -h -d -i @target_systems.txt -u gpo-domain\Administrator -p AdDomain09 "\\my-server\WindowsAgent\DigiCertAgentGPOInstaller.bat" -accepteula -nobanner
Descriptions of command arguments:
Argument | Description |
| The local text file containing the Active Directory names of target systems to install the agent on. Make sure the file lists each AD name on a line by itself. The AD names will be read and the DigiCert agent installed on each system in the order listed in this file. |
| Active Directory domain name. |
| Username for an account with AD domain admin privileges. |
| Password for the above AD user account. |
| Shared universal naming convention (UNC) path for the silent mode installer script ( |
The installation script execution log is available in the C:\DigiCertAgentLogs\AgentScriptExecutor.log file on each target system.