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Deploy and manage agents

The DigiCert​​®​​ agent software is DigiCert’s native client for discovering and managing TLS/SSL certificates on standard hosts such as web servers.

DigiCert agents include the industry-standard ACME protocol plus high-level management functions. Agents can automate certificates for well-known web server applications out of the box and can also be configured to manage custom applications.

You install the agent software locally on each host. The agent coordinates with DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Lifecycle Manager to download and install certificates for enabled applications on the local system.

The agent software is designed for secure and seamless operation, with no impact on network performance or integrity. It uses a pull communications model to sync with Trust Lifecycle Manager and can keep itself updated as new software versions are released so no ongoing maintenance is required.


You can install DigiCert agents in "silent mode" to minimize the need for user intervention and deploy on multiple servers at once. To learn more, see Install DigiCert agents in silent mode.
