Private Code Signing - New certificate template bound to an Organization Seat that allows issuance of Private Code Signing certificates via REST API or CSR-based enrollment with Manual Approval flow.
Direct links to Audit Logs - Support for viewing Audit Trails as direct links for issued Certificates and Enrollments in non-pending state, using a Seat ID as the filtering criteria. This new feature is accessible as an additional Action on the Certificates and Enrollments pages.
Web Enrollment Enhancements - End-users will be alerted with an error message when enrolling for certificates that will yield a duplicate error, in advance of an Administrator approving it.
UX redesign enhancements
Profile Wizard Details page - redesigned page showing all profile configuration data in a single page with collapsable sections.
Certificate Templates page - redesigned the page to disable the template links if no licenses are available for the Seat type bound to the template.
[DOEPM-2772] Fix to resolve an issue for 'cloned' profiles that are configured to include the Root CA with the issued certificates
[DOEPM-2526] Fix to resolve an issue with duplicate User certificates, for profiles configured with an Email in the Subject DN, which was not respecting the "Allow Duplicates" profile option, thus not delivering a duplicate error message.
[DOEPM-2778] REST API - Fix to deliver consistent error messages when submitting requests containing invalid certificate validity periods.