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CertCentral 托管自动化支持常用的开箱即用的 web 服务器应用程序。

CertCentral 还允许使用“自定义应用程序”选项配置第三方 ACME 客户端,从而为其他不受本机支持的应用程序灵活地扩展证书管理。


Custom automations require an active DigiCert agent on the server. The agent coordinates automation requests received from CertCentral and calls your custom shell script to handle certificate lifecycle events for the custom application.

For detailed instructions about how to deploy DigiCert agents on your servers, see 安装和激活 ACME 自动化代理.

In addition to a DigiCert agent, the server must have a third-party ACME client installed. Your custom automation script invokes the ACME client to request certificates from CertCentral and install them for your custom Linux or Windows application.

CertCentral 托管自动化可用于任何支持行业标准 ACME 协议的第三方客户端。

You need a shell script to drive the third-party ACME client on your server. During an automation event, the DigiCert agent calls this shell script to invoke the ACME client, which then requests the certificate from CertCentral and installs it for your custom application.

The shell script contains the ACME client command to request and install certificates for your custom application using the parameters expected by the CertCentral ACME service. Command syntax varies based on which third-party ACME client you use. Check the software provider's guidelines for more information.

Below are examples of shell scripts to enable CertCentral managed automation for a custom application via third-party ACME clients Certbot (Linux) and Win-ACME (Windows):

Variable definitions at the top of these shell scripts set the required ACME request parameters:

  • These must match up with the ACME arguments you configure for the custom application in CertCentral.

  • During an automation event, values for these arguments are supplied to the shell script by the local DigiCert agent that calls it.

Commands used in the shell script:

  • Must include all mandatory parameters.

  • Must not exceed 512 characters.

  • Must not include special directives like rm -rf or rmdir

The shell script filename:

  • Must end with .bat or .sh

  • Must not exceed 255 characters.

使用 CertCentral 管理自动化菜单完成自定义应用程序的配置:

  1. 在 CertCentral 的左侧主菜单中,转到自动化 > 管理自动化

  2. 管理自动化视图中,选择与自定义应用程序在同一证书主机上运行的本地 ACME 代理的名称

  3. 在右侧的代理详情面板中,向下钻取到配置 IP/端口部分。

  4. 找到自定义应用程序的 IP 地址和端口号。选择自定义作为应用程序名称。

  5. 客户端命令路径中,提供调用第三方 ACME 客户端的 shell 脚本的完整目录路径。


    • Windows:G:\certcentral\agent\custom_automation_1.bat

    • Linux:/home/certcentral/agent/

  6. 客户端命令参数字段中,指定要使用的常规 ACME 参数。


    {acmeDirectoryUrl} {hosts} {email} {key} {extActKid} {extActHmac}


    • 每个参数必须完全按照此处所示输入。

    • 参数的顺序必须与它们在 shell 脚本中的使用方式相匹配。

    • 在自动化事件期间,系统将自动从选定的自动化配置文件中获取这些参数所需的值。

    CertCentral 托管自动化支持的 ACME 参数说明:

    • {acmeDirectoryUrl} - ACME 目录 URL 设置。

    • {hosts} - 证书主机详细信息。

    • {email} - 接收通知的电子邮件地址。

    • {key} - 密钥算法(RSA 或 ECC)。

    • {extActKid} - URL 中使用的外部帐户密钥标识符。

    • {extActHmac} - 用于为响应签名的 HMAC 密钥。

  7. 选择保存使更新的自动化设置生效。

