To make it easier to plan your certificate-related tasks, here is the DigiCert global 2023 maintenance schedule.
The global schedule applies to the following DigiCert platforms and services:
CertCentral® USA
ACME agent automation
Certificate Issuing Service (CIS)
Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP)
Direct Cert Portal
PKI Platform 8
DigiCert® ONE USA
DigiCert® Account Manager
DigiCert® CA Manager
DigiCert® Document Trust Manager
DigiCert® Trust Lifecycle Manager
DigiCert® IoT Trust Manager
DigiCert® Software Trust Manager
DigiCert® KeyLocker
Online Certificate Status and Timestamp Services
Are you looking for the DigiCert Europe 2023 maintenance schedule?
We keep this page up to date with all maintenance schedule information, including details about how maintenance will affect your services.
QuoVadis CA systems:
The DigiCert 2023 maintenance schedule does not affect the QuoVadis CA systems. Maintenance for these systems is done via a different maintenance schedule.
DigiCert uses scheduled maintenance windows to perform maintenance with the potential to interrupt your DigiCert services.
Maintenance schedule guidelines:
Maintenance is scheduled for the first weekend of each month unless otherwise noted.
For example, maintenance may be moved to the second weekend of the month to avoid U.S. holidays and the first day of the month.
Each maintenance window is scheduled for 2 hours.
Although we have redundancies to protect your service, some DigiCert services may be unavailable.
Normal operations will resume once the maintenance is completed.
Although we have redundancies in place to protect your services, some DigiCert services may be unavailable:
Platform and API access
Certificate validation
Certificate issuance
Websites (for example,
Services will be restored as soon as the maintenance is completed.
Plan your certificate-related tasks accordingly:
Schedule high-priority orders, renewals, reissues, and duplicate issues outside the maintenance windows, including Automation events and Discovery scans.
Expect interruptions if you use APIs for immediate certificate issuance and automated tasks.
Subscribe to the DigiCert Status page for live maintenance updates. This subscription includes email alerts for when maintenance begins and when it ends.
If you need more information regarding these maintenance windows, contact your account manager or DigiCert Support.
Dates and times are subject to change. Service announcements are sent before changed or added maintenance windows.
Date | Time | Notes |
Saturday, January 7 | 22:00 – 24:00 MST (Sunday, January 8, 05:00 – 07:00 UTC) | Although we have redundancies to protect your services, some DigiCert services may be unavailable during this time. What can I do?
Saturday, February 4 | 22:00 – 24:00 MST (Sunday, February 5, 05:00 – 07:00 UTC) | Although we have redundancies to protect your services, some DigiCert services may be unavailable during this time. What can I do?
Saturday, March 4 | 22:00 – 24:00 MST (Sunday, March 5, 05:00 – 07:00 UTC) | Although we have redundancies to protect your services, some DigiCert services may be unavailable during this time. What can I do?
Saturday, April 8 | 22:00 – 24:00 MDT (Sunday, April 9, 04:00 – 06:00 UTC) | Infrastructure-related maintenance downtime Maintenance will be one hour earlier for those who don't observe daylight savings. The infrastructure-related maintenance starts at 22:05 MDT (04:05 UTC). At that time, the services listed below may be down or experience delayed responses for up to 10 minutes. Affected services CIS and CertCentral® SCEP
CertCentral certificate issuance
Direct Cert Portal certificate issuance
QuoVadis® TrustLink® certificate issuance
PKI Platform 8 new domain and organization validation
What can I do? Plan accordingly:
Services will be restored as soon as the maintenance is completed. |
Saturday, May 6 | 22:00 – 24:00 MDT (Sunday, May 7, 04:00 – 06:00 UTC) | Although we have redundancies to protect your services, some DigiCert services may be unavailable during this time. What can I do?
Saturday, June 3 | 22:00 – 24:00 MDT (Sunday, June 4, 04:00 – 06:00 UTC) | Infrastructure maintenance-related service delays and performance degradation The infrastructure maintenance starts at 22:00 MDT (04:00 UTC). Then for approximately 10 minutes, the services listed below will experience service delays and performance degradation:
API notes Expect interruptions if you use the APIs for immediate certificate issuance and automated tasks. What can I do? Plan accordingly:
Services will be restored as soon as the maintenance is completed. |
Saturday, July 8 | 22:00 – 24:00 MDT (Sunday, July 9, 04:00 – 06:00 UTC) | Rescheduled to avoid the first day of the month. Although we have redundancies to protect your services, some DigiCert services may be unavailable during this time. What can I do?
Saturday, August 5 | 22:00 – 24:00 MDT (Sunday, August 6, 04:00 – 06:00 UTC) | Although we have redundancies to protect your services, some DigiCert services may be unavailable during this time. What can I do? Plan accordingly:
Services will be restored as soon as the maintenance is completed. |
Saturday, September 9 | 22:00 – 24:00 MDT (Sunday, September 10, 04:00 – 06:00 UTC) | Rescheduled to avoid U.S. holiday. Document Trust Manager's PromoSign signing service maintenance-related downtime The Document Trust Manager maintenance starts at 22:00 MDT (04:00 UTC). At this time, the PrimoSign signing service will be down for up to 60 minutes. Affected services:
What can I do? Plan accordingly:
Services will be restored as soon as the maintenance is completed. |
Saturday, October 7 | 22:00 – 24:00 MDT (Sunday, October 8, 04:00 – 06:00 UTC) | Although we have redundancies to protect your services, some DigiCert services may be unavailable during this time. What can I do? Plan accordingly:
Services will be restored as soon as the maintenance is completed. |
Saturday, November 4 | 22:00 – 24:00 MDT (Sunday, November 5, 04:00 – 06:00 UTC) | Although we have redundancies to protect your services, some DigiCert services may be unavailable during this time. What can I do? Plan accordingly:
Services will be restored as soon as the maintenance is completed. |
Saturday, December 2 | 22:00 – 24:00 MST (Sunday, December 3, 05:00 – 07:00 UTC) | Maintenance will be one hour later for those who don't observe daylight savings. Although we have redundancies to protect your services, some DigiCert services may be unavailable during this time. What can I do? Plan accordingly:
Services will be restored as soon as the maintenance is completed. |