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Test certificate enrollments

After you install Autoenrollment Server and start the autoenrollment service, you need to request a few certificates from the DigiCert ONE CA for testing purposes. This topic takes you through the process of manually triggering the certificate autoenrollment process.

To test certificate enrollment:

  1. Log on to the machine that has Autoenrollment Server installed as AE Administrator and click Start > Run.

  2. Type mmc in the Open field and press Enter.

  3. Click File > Add/Remove Snap-in. The available snap-ins are displayed.

  4. Select Certificates and click Add.

  5. Select My user account from the option group.

  6. Click Finish > Close > OK to return to the MMC console.

  7. Expand the tree view on the left to display Console Root > Certificates - Current User > Personal > Certificates.

  8. Right-click in the right pane and then click All Tasks > Request New Certificate. The Certificate Enrollment wizard opens.

  9. Select Active Directory Enrollment Policy.

  10. Click Next. The list of available certificate templates displays. Mark every template you want to enroll.

  11. Click Enroll. You are informed about the progress of the enrollment. After a successful enrollment, you can view your new certificate in the Certificates node of MMC.
