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Signing Manager


This release focuses on account users’ ability to view data, run reports related to signing activities, as well as providing a new dashboard. Client-side tools have been added. They can be downloaded by account users with sign permissions.


  • Customer Audit Logs detail all signing-related activities conducted on customers’ accounts, such as: Signatures, Keypair actions and certificate actions.

  • The new Signatures Report details all account data specific to signature activity.

Signing Manager Dashboard - This first iteration of the Signing Manager Dashboard provides information related to signatures, keypair resources and associated certificates. Signing Manager dashboard functionality will expand as we grow the product capabilities.

List Keypairs and Certificates Filters - Allows user to filter data based on keypair and certificate related to list page columns, as was already the case in the APIs and CLI.

Import Passphrase protected Keypair - import of private keys with passphrase in the UI is now supported, as was the case with Signing Manager client tools.

Component Support Updates - No changes in his release.


  • Signing Manager UI workflow enhancements - Upon successful creation of keypair or import of certificate, users will now be directed back to the list page from where they began and receive confirmation of success, as opposed to staying on the same page. User will remain on the same page if there was an error. The error will be reported to allow the user to make changes.

  • System User Permissions - Support for users with system scope may now operate in Signing Manager. These users will have appropriate view-only permissions and will not be able to create, update, modify or delete any account specific certificates or keypairs. System users will also not be able to perform signatures.

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