Part 5: Deploy a device update
Deploying software updates to your IoT devices allows you to maintain security, functionality, and compliance. This section will walk you through creating a software update package, packaging it as an artifact, and deploying it as a release to your devices using DigiCert® Device Trust Manager.
Device management is available in the Advanced plan or higher. See Licensing and plans.
Deploy an update to a Linux device through .
Monitor and verify the deployment status.
Before you begin
Completed all steps in Part 4: Connect a Linux device to ensure the device is connected to .
Created and packaged a software update. See Build and package a software update for detailed instructions.
Reviewed the following concepts: Artifact, Release, Deployment.
A user account with the Solution Administrator role.
Step 1: Upload the artifact
To deploy an update, start by uploading the software update package as an artifact in Device Trust Manager.
Sign in to DigiCert® ONE as a Solution Administrator.
In DigiCert ONE, in the Manager menu (grid at top right), select Device Trust.
In the menu, select .
Select Create Artifact.
On the General information section:
Enter an Artifact name and, optionally, a description.
Choose whether the artifact will be available to all divisions or only a specific division. Default is all divisions.
Enter an Artifact version.
Select an Artifact type.
If this artifact depends on another, choose the artifact's dependency.
Click Next.
On the Artifact definition step:
Upload the artifact payload zip file you created in Build and package a software update.
Under Artifact handling, select both Install and Rollback and specify the following for each:
Install file: Script/
Install file type: Script
Install sub-type: Bash
Rollback script: Script/
Rollback file type: Script
Rollback sub-type: Bash
Click Create artifact.
Step 2: Create and deploy a release
Next, bundle the artifact into a release.
In the menu, select > .
Select Create release.
Enter a Release name and, optionally, a description.
Enter a Release version.
Choose a Division to associate the release with.
Add the artifact created in Step 1: Upload the artifact.
If needed, select which users will be notified of the release.
Click Create release.
Now you're ready to create a deployment to send the release to devices.
In the menu, select > .
Click Create deployment.
Enter a Deployment name and, optionally, a description.
Choose a Division to associate the release with.
Choose a Device group that will receive the update. All devices associated with the select device group will be sent the release.
Select the Release created previously.
Click Next.
Click Create deployment on the Deployment settings section..
To monitor the progress of a deployment in DigiCert® Device Trust Manager, go to Software updates > Deployments and select the specific deployment. This page displays the deployment settings and provides real-time status updates, showing both in-progress and completed devices.
When you select Deploy now, makes the deployment available for the selected device group, and because is running as a service, the device will automatically download and process the deployment.
To watch the device download and process the deployment in real time, use the command journalctl -f -u trustedge.service
on the Linux device you configured in Part 4: Connect a Linux device.
Step 3: Verify deployment
After deployment, verify that the software update has successfully installed on the device.
Check that the update is listed on the device.
dpkg -l digicert-hello-world-all
Confirm that the application runs correctly by running:
If the package fails to install, see TrustEdge Troubleshoot guide.
Review your progress
At this stage, you’ve successfully deployed a software update to your IoT device using . You should now have:
Created and packaged a software update artifact ready for deployment.
Uploaded the artifact to , along with associated install and rollback scripts.
Configured and deployed a release to a specified device group.
Manually invoked on the device and verified that the device received and applied the software update.