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CA Manager

We made numerous behind-the-scenes updates, including fixing a bug that delivered users to nowhere when manually entering some URLs.


In addition, CA Manager now supports the following:

  • EncipherOnly or DecipherOnly - Available in Enterprise PKI Manager or DigiCert​​®​​ IoT Trust Manager templates

  • Setting Serial Number octet size - Allowed sizes are between 16 and 20 octets and may be set within Enterprise PKI or DigiCert​​®​​ IoT Trust Manager templates. If no octet setting is provided the system will default to 16.

  • Override of basicConstraints setting - Managers may now allow unmanaged ICAs for use in specific workflows.

  • Subject Key ID Calculation Method 2 - Managers may now select the method to use when calculating Subject Key IDs.

  • HardwareModuleName - Now available within the Subject DN.