Upgrade product on renewal settings
CertCentral allows you to upgrade your product when renewing your order. For example, if you have a Basic OV certificate, you can upgrade it to a Secure Site SSL certificate to get priority validation and faster certificate issuance.
CertCentral also lets you control when this feature appears in your order renewal process. When ready to upgrade a product, you can enable it to save the hassle of placing a new order and reentering all the information. When you are done, disable it until the next time you want to upgrade a product.
Disable/Enable the upgrade product on renewal feature
In CertCentral, in the left menu, go to Settings > Preferences.
On the Preferences page, expand Advance Settings.
In the Certificate Requests section, under Upgrade products on renewal, perform one of the following actions:
To disable the feature so it doesn’t appear when renewing orders, deselect Allow users to upgrade products on renewal.
To enable the feature so it appears when renewing orders, select Allow users to upgrade products on renewal.
At the bottom of the page, select Save Settings.
Current product upgrade paths
Basic OV – upgrade to Secure Site SSL or Secure Site Pro SSL
Basic EV – upgrade to Secure Site EV SSL or Secure Site Pro EV SSL
Secure Site SSL – upgrade to Secure Site Pro SSL
Secure Site EV SSL – upgrade to Secure Site Pro EV SSL
Secure Site Pro SSL – upgrade to Secure Site Pro EV SSL*
GeoTrust TrueBusiness ID OV – upgrade to Secure Site SSL Secure Site Pro SSL
GeoTrust TrueBusiness ID EV – upgrade to Secure Site EV SSL or Secure Site Pro EV SSL
Thawte SSL Webserver OV – upgrade to Secure Site SSL or Secure Site Pro SSL
Thawte SSL Webserver EV – upgrade to Secure Site EV SSL or Secure Site Pro EV SSL
RapidSSL Standard DV – upgrade to GeoTrust DV SSL
RapidSSL Wildcard DV – upgrade to GeoTrust DV SSL
*The Secure Site Pro SSL to Secure Site Pro EV SSL upgrade is the only upgrade path that allows you to upgrade to a different TLS/SSL product type: OV to EV.