What is an authorized representative?
An authorized representative is a person who is authorized to sign according to the entry in the Commercial Register.
What is a sealer?
The sealer is a person within your organization who authorizes bulk-signing of documents in Go>Sign Mobile application. There can be multiple sealers within an organization.
What are the tasks and responsibilities of the administrator?
The administrator is responsible for managing your account and users, onboarding users using direct invitation, management of certificate lifecycles, user passwords, and revocations. See the DigiCert® Document Trust Manager Administrator's guide for more information.
Is it possible to add more than one administrator?
Yes, DigiCert® Document Trust Manager supports multiple administrators.
Is human interaction necessary for signing?
Authorization in the Go>Sign Mobile application by the sealer is required to sign a document. Like the original version of this tool, SealSign 2.0 uses a watched folder approach to manage signing of multiple documents using a single authorization.
What does “approve bulk signing of documents” mean?
“Approve bulk signing for documents” refers to requiring a single authorization (authentication) to apply an eSeal to multiple documents at once.
What are the tasks and the responsibilities of the Signer?
See the DigiCert® Document Trust Manager Signer's Guide.
Will the migration also require adjustments to our services that call your APIs?
Yes, migration to the new system will require adjustments to services which call on endpoints. If you are using API integration, email us at qvmigrations@digicert.com.
Where does the signing take place?
This depends on how your organization manages your digital documents, number of signatories on a document, and the signing solution used to apply an eSeal. The new solution only signs the hash of the document.
I want to see a demo of the changes; how can this be arranged?
Email us at qvmigrations@digicert.com to arrange a call to go through the details and help you understand the changes.
What document formats does SealSign 2.0 support?
SealSign 2.0 supports signing PDF documents. If you need to sign additional document formats, email us at qvmigrations@digicert.com.
What happened to your previous certificate?
Your previous certificate is revoked after issuance of the new certificate by our internal teams.