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Multi-year Plans


On October 31, 2023, DigiCert stopped offering 4, 5, and 6-year Multi-year Plans for TLS certificates and Verified Mark Certificates (VMCs). DigiCert will continue to offer 1, 2, and 3-year Multi-year Plans. Learn more about the changes to Multi-year Plan coverage.

DigiCert® Multi-year Plans (MyP) allow you to pay a single price for up to three years of SSL/TLS certificate coverage. With Multi-year Plans, you pick the SSL/TLS certificate, the duration of coverage you want, and the certificate validity. Until the plan expires, you reissue your certificate at no cost each time it reaches the end of its validity period.

Coverage limitations

Enterprise License Agreement (ELA) and Flat Fee contracts only support 1- and 2-year Multi-year Plans.

Domain and organization validation

Depending on the length of your plan and the type of certificate you choose, you may need to revalidate your domain and organization multiple times during your Multi-year Plan.

Reissuing certificates in a Multi-year Plan

When the active certificate for a Multi-year Plan is about to expire, you reissue the certificate to maintain your SSL/TLS certificate coverage. When reissuing certificates for a Multi-year Plan, you can do the following:

  • Set a new expiration date for the reissued certificate.

    You can set the maximum certificate validity to 397 days, the maximum validity allowed by the industry, or the end of the Multi-year Plan, whichever is sooner.

  • Change or remove domains.

    Removing and changing domains requires DigiCert to revoke all previously issued certificates. DigiCert waits 48-72 hours before revoking the original certificate and any existing duplicates and reissues.

  • Add domains.

    Adding domains may result in additional costs. Prices for new domains are pro-rated and applied based on the remaining time in the Multi-year Plan.

Extending a Multi-year Plan

You can extend your SSL/TLS certificate coverage by renewing your Multi-year Plan before it expires.

CertCentral subscription accounts

CertCentral subscription accounts no longer offer Multi-year Plans. Instead of purchasing a 1-, 2-, or 3-year Multi-year Plan order, you pay yearly for the assets you want to protect with your digital certificates. To learn more about the new subscription modal, visit CertCentral subscriptions.

Reissuing expiring MyP certificates

After converting your account to the new subscription model, you can still access your Multi-year Plan orders from the Legacy Orders page and reissue certificates.

  1. In CertCentral, in the left menu, go to My Digital Trust Products > Legacy Orders.

  2. On the Legacy Orders page, select the order number for the MyP certificate you need to reissue.

No need to extend your Multi-year Plan

Instead of extending your Multi-year Plan order, you only need to renew your order. With the new subscription payment model, instead of paying for three-year coverage up front, you now pay yearly for the assets you want to protect with your digital certificates, such as a website domain (TLS) or an email domain (Mark Certificates).

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