DigiCert® KeyLocker removes the need for you to manually generate your private key, generate your CSR, and compliantly store the private key associated with your code signing certificate. DigiCert® KeyLocker automates this procedure and allows you to access your private key from compliant cloud storage and sign from anywhere, at any time.
Hardware tokens can be easily lost or stolen.
Delays can occur during delivery of hardware tokens.
Purchasing an HSM and storing it on-premises is expensive.
Setting up an HSM can be a complicated procedure.
Hardware tokens may limit your ability to sign when your workforce is remote or geographically distributed.
Generates and stores your private key in industry compliant HSM key storage.
Generates your CSR for your code signing certificate.
Stores your code signing certificate as the default certificate for keypair signing.
Provides integration with CI/CD pipelines.
Provides signing solutions with DigiCert® KeyLocker signing tools and third-party signing tools.
Enforces multi-factor authentication when you sign with the key.