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Sign in using OIDC

From CertCentral


If you do not see Single Sign-On in your Settings menu, contact your DigiCert account representative or DigiCert support to have this access turned on.

  1. On the CertCentral login page, select Sign in with SSO.

  2. Enter the provider friendly name you used for your configuration. If you don’t know it, enter your organization name to search.


    Can’t find your provider friendly name? Try initiating the login from your identity provider instead, or use the service provider-initiated custom SSO URL.

  3. Select Yes to confirm this identity provider is correct.

  4. Log in with the credentials that match your CertCentral account.

From your identity provider

  1. Open your IdP (for example, Okta). Under Applications, look for CertCentral.


    You can now generate a CertCentral-specific URL for your SSO users that will take them straight into CertCentral.

  2. Enter your network credentials to log in.

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