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Agregar o reemplazar la CSR en un pedido de certificado pendiente

Utilice estas indicaciones para agregar la CSR a un pedido de certificado pendiente.

Before you begin

  • Order requirements

    You can only update the CSR on pending certificate orders. Once your certificate is issued, you are restricted to viewing the CSR used to generate the certificate.

  • CSR Requirements

    For your certificates to remain secure, they must use a 2048-bit or larger key size. Learn how to Create a CSR (Certificate Signing Request).

    DigiCert TLS and Secure Email certificates support the following algorithms and key lengths:

    • RSA 2048, 3072, and 4096

    • ECC p-256 and p-384

  • Secure Email certificate requirements

    You can only update the CSR on a pending Secure Email certificate order if you provided a CSR when you submitted the order. If you opted to provide the CSR later, there is no CSR to update. You must wait until we send the email with a link to generate the CSR and Secure Email certificate via the browser.

Update the CSR on your pending TLS or Secure Email certificate order

  1. En su cuenta de CertCentral, vaya a la página de detalles N.° de pedido del certificado.

  2. On the Orders page, in the Order # column, select the order number link for the pending certificate order.

  3. En la página de detalle Pedido, en la sección Estado del pedido, en Debe, haga clic en el enlace Cambiar CSR.

  4. Para agregar su nueva CSR, en la ventana Cargar CSR, cargue su CSR o péguela en la casilla Agregar su CSR.

    When copying the text from the CSR file, make sure to include the -----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- and -----END NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- tags.

  5. Haga clic en Cargar.

What's next

You successfully updated the CSR on your pending certificate order. We will use the public key from the new CSR to generate your certificate.

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