PGP Encrypted Certificate Batches - Now batch certificate jobs can be encrypted using a PGP key. Previously only x509 certificates were supported to be used for encrypting the batch of certificates and their private keys.
ICA Details List API Endpoint - A new REST API endpoint is available to obtain a detailed list of all ICAs assigned to an account.
Assign Service Users to IoT Divisions - DigiCert® IoT Trust Manager divisions now supports assigning service users to a division. Previously only account users could be assigned to a DigiCert® IoT Trust Manager division.
Project Matter VID and PID in Subject DN - There is now support for passing the Project Matter Vendor ID and Product ID fields in certificate subject DN. The new fields. Certificate templates are configured using: subject.product_identifier, subject.vendor_identifier.
Alignment to EST RFC for no Authentication Passed - When no authentication is passed to the EST service the service will now return a 401 response.
Certificate Download In DER - There is now an option to download certificates through the REST API in DER format.
Added Support for More Subject DN Fields - subject.unstructured_name
, subject.unstructured_address
, subject.serial_number
, subject.description
, subject.dn_qualifier
, subject.title
, subject.given_name
, subject.surname