Utilizar el método de validación por correo electrónico DCV para verificar el control del dominio
Use these instructions to demonstrate control over a domain on a pending OV or EV TLS certificate order using the Email domain control validation (DCV) method.
El envío de dominios para su validación durante el proceso de pedido significa que los certificados no se emitirán hasta que se complete la validación del dominio. Para la emisión inmediata del certificado, envíe los dominios para la validación previa cuando sea posible. Consulte Validación previa de dominio: Lista de métodos DCV admitidos.
On May 8, 2025, DigiCert will end support for the WHOIS-based DCV email method. DigiCert systems will stop querying WHOIS entirely to find email addresses for domain validations.
If you still want to use the Email DCV method, use the DNS TXT record email contacts or the Constructed email method—Learn more.
To learn more about the end of life for WHOIS-based email, see our knowledge base article, End of Life for WHOIS based email DCV method.
Before you begin
With the Email domain control validation (DCV) method, DigiCert sends three sets of DCV emails: DNS TXT-based, constructed, and WHOIS-based.
To demonstrate control over the domain, an email recipient follows the instructions in a confirmation email sent for the domain:
DigiCert sends this email from no-reply@digitalcertvalidation.com. If using allowlist, make sure to include digitalcertvalidation.com.
The confirmation process consists of visiting the link in the email and following the instructions on the page.
To learn more about the different email DCV methods, such as email to DNS TXT contact, constructed, and WHOIS-based, see Supported DCV methods for validating the domains on OV/EV TLS/SSL certificate orders.
Validate domains in your CertCentral account
CertCentral has a domain validation process that allows you to add and validate your domains separate from the ordering, renewing, duplicate issuing, or reissuing process. For faster certificate issuance, validate domains before requesting OV/EV TLS certificates. To learn more about this domain validation process, see Supported DCV methods for validating domains in your CertCentral account.
Paso 1: Verificar el estado de su pedido pendiente
En su cuenta de CertCentral, vaya a la página de detalles N.° de pedido del certificado.
En el menú principal izquierdo, vaya a Certificado > Pedidos.
En la página Pedidos, en la columna N.° de pedido, haga clic en el enlace del número de pedido del certificado.
En la página de información del N.° de pedido, en la sección Estado del pedido, verifique el estado de emisión del pedido (¿el pedido está a la espera de que se lleve a cabo la validación de dominio o de organización?).
After validation is complete, the Certificate status section no longer appears on the Order # details page.
Under What do you need to do, select the domain's link you want to validate.
In the Prove control over domain window, in the Domain control validation (DCV) method menu, select Verification email and then select Save.
In the Select the email language menu, select the language for the confirmation email sent for the domain.
Under Select the authorization email recipients, select the email addresses you want the confirmation email sent to.
Select Resend Email.
Paso 2: Enviar los correos electrónicos DCV
DigiCert sends the verification email from no-reply@digitalcertvalidation.com to the addresses you selected. The email subject line is [Action Required] Approve Certificate Request for [yourdomain] {Order #}.