Resend Reminders for In-Process Validations - Support has been added to resend validation email reminders to signers (applicants).
Resend reminders for invite_sent validations. Can be configured days and cron job expresion from platform settings.
Configuration key and default values
dcone.documentmanger.cron.validationInvite.reminder.schedule = 0 0 0 ? * *
(default)dcone.documentmanger.cron.validationInvite.reminder.dayPattern = 17;1411;90
Enhanced Audit Log Capabilities - Enhance audit log message for sent invite, reminder invite, failed retry
Support details need to be customizable in DSM emails - Support for ‘Contact Support’ for email and URL within the body of the email as been added.
Configuration key and default values"Contact support" (default)"Contact Support" (default)"" (default)"" (default)
DODSM-3401: UI - Validations status filtering list sorted in alphabetical order
DODSM-3411: UI - Make user aware to provide a mobile phone number for self enrollment links
DODSM-3523: UI - hide disabled options in validation details
DODSM-3568: BE - Restarting validation in rejected status is giving error due to terms copy.
DODSM-3536: UI - Validation Profile Enable and Disable shows corresponding enable/disable toast message
DODSM-3522: UI - Add clone validation profile for every profile