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Manage inventory

Manage your digital trust assets directly from the Inventory page in DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Lifecycle Manager. After loading the applicable inventory record(s), use the integrated actions to manage individual assets or multiple assets in bulk.

Available management actions

Available inventory management actions depend on the asset type and status and may include:

  • Renew, reissue, revoke, suspend, or restore certificate.

  • Switch certificate installed on an endpoint under management.

  • Issue and install new certificate on an unsecured endpoint.

  • Delete inventory data for discovered certificates, keys, and endpoints.

  • View the audit trail or update the business unit for certificate.

  • Download certificate in Base64-encoded format.


Certificates and endpoints enabled for certificate lifecycle automation have the most management options.

Manage an asset

To manage an individual certificate or other asset from the Inventory page in Trust Lifecycle Manager:

  1. From the Trust Lifecycle Manager main menu, select Inventory.

  2. Use the view inventory functions to load the certificate, key, or endpoint you want to manage.

  3. Use one of the following methods to manage the asset:

    • Hover the Name or Common name and select one of the available management actions on the right.

      • Icons are provided for certain key actions. Hover each icon for a basic description of the corresponding action.

      • Use the actions (three dots) menu to access additional management actions.

    • Alternatively, select the record Name or Common name first to view the details page for it, and then manage it from there.

Bulk manage multiple assets

To bulk manage multiple assets at once from the Inventory page in Trust Lifecycle Manager:

  1. From the Trust Lifecycle Manager main menu, select Inventory.

  2. Use the view inventory functions to load the certificates, keys, or endpoints you want to manage.

  3. Select the checkboxes next to the applicable records.

  4. Select a bulk action from the dropdown menu to the right of the Name or Common name for one of the selected records.

Delete discovery data

You can delete data for certificates, keys, and endpoints that were added to your inventory using Trust Lifecycle Manager's discovery tools.

Use the view inventory functions to load the applicable record(s), then delete as follows:

  • To delete an individual record: Hover the Name or Common name and select Delete from the actions menu.

  • To bulk delete multiple records: Use the checkboxes to select the applicable records, then select Delete from the Bulk actions dropdown menu for one of the selected records.

You can only delete assets associated with Discovery seats in this way. For each asset you delete, a Discovery seat is reclaimed to your account's license pool.


Alternatively, you can delete all discovery data by asset type from the Account > Settings page.

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