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Certificate template structure


Possible values

Types of certificates

  • Client authentication


Signature algorithms

  • SHA 256 RSA

  • SHA384 RSA

  • SHA512 RSA

  • SHA256 ECDSA

  • SHA384 ECDSA

  • SHA512 ECDSA

Key types

  • RSA 2048-bit

  • RSA 3072-bit

  • RSA 4096-bit

  • ECC secp256r1

  • ECC secp384r1

  • ECC secp512r1

Subject attributes

  • common name

  • organization name

  • organization unit

  • street address

  • postal code

  • locality

  • state

  • country

  • email

  • unstructured name

  • unstructured address

  • serial number

  • unique description

  • domain component


Key usage: critical, required, and optional

  • RSA

    • digital signature

    • nonrepudiation

    • key encipherment

    • data encipherment


    • digital signature

    • nonrepudiation

    • key agreement

    • encipher only

    • decipher only

Extended key usage: critical, required, and optional

  • client authentication

  • server authentication

  • code signing

  • email protection

  • smartcard logon

SAN (subject alternative name)

  • Domain name system (DNS) name

  • User principle name

  • Email

  • Other names

    • raw types

    • hardware module name

Certificate policies: critical, required, and optional


  • User notice

  • OIDs

Subject directory attributes

SKI extensions

Basic constraints

  • CA certificate

  • Path length

Renewal settings for valid, expired, and revoked certificates

  • Renew before expiration

  • Renew after expiration window

  • Renewal key pair

    • New key pair

    • Same key pair

Serial number size

  • 16 to 20 integers


  • Minimum validity

  • Maximum validity

  • Expiration date designated validity