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Renovar certificados DV


Cambio de los estándares de la industria: Fin de los certificados SSL/TLS públicos de 2 años

El 27 de agosto de 2020, DigiCert dejó de emitir certificados públicos DV, OV y EV SSL/TLS con una validez máxima mayor de 397 días. Este cambio puede afectar sus primeras renovaciones de certificados.

Aún puede renovar un pedido de certificado tan temprano como 90 días a 1 día antes de que caduque. Cuando usted renueva, DigiCert transfiere tanta validez restante como sea posible al certificado renovado sin exceder la nueva validez del certificado máxima de 397 días. Cualquier validez que no podamos transferir directamente al certificado se transfiere a su pedido. Para obtener más información, consulte Fin de los certificados SSL/TLS públicos DV, OV y EV de 2 años.

Renovar su certificado DV es fácil:

  1. Identifique el certificado que debe ser renovado.

  2. Cree una nueva CSR. ¿Necesita ayuda? Vea Crear una CSR (Solicitud de firma de certificado).

  3. Complete el formulario de renovación del certificado y envíe su solicitud de renovación.


Los certificados DV no son compatibles la validación previa del dominio. Cuando renueva un certificado DV, debe demostrar que tiene el control de los dominios que figuran en el pedido de renovación.

October 21, 2022

CertCentral: Ability to require an additional email on certificate request forms

We are happy to announce that you can now make the Additional emails field a required field on CertCentral, Guest URL, and Guest Access request forms.

Tired of missing important expiring certificate notifications because the certificate owner is on vacation or no longer works for your organization?

The change helps prevent you from missing important notifications, including order renewal and expiring certificate notifications when the certificate owner is unavailable.

See for yourself:

To change this setting for CertCentral request forms:

  1. In the left menu, go to Settings > Preferences.

  2. On the Preferences page, expand Advanced settings.

  3. In the Certificate Requests section, under Additional email field, select Required so requestors must add at least one additional email to their requests.

  4. Select Save Settings.

To change this setting for Guest Access:

  1. In the left main menu, go to Account > Guest Access.

  2. On the Guest access page, in the Guest access section, under Additional emails, select Required so requestors must add at least one additional email to their requests.

  3. Select Save Settings.

To change this setting for Guest URLs:

  1. In the left main menu, go to Account > Guest Access.

  2. On the Guest access page, in the Guest URLs section, to make it required in an existing guest URL, select the name of the guest URL. Under Emails, check Require additional emails field so requestors must add at least one additional email to their requests.

  3. To make it required on a new guest URL, select Add Guest URL and then under Emails, check Require additional emails field so requestors must add at least one additional email to their requests.

  4. Select Save Settings.

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