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Create certificate profiles for REST API

To create a profile that issues certificates for REST API requests from Postman:

  1. Go to Manage > Templates and select a template.

  2. Under Primary certificate options:

    1. Select the REST API enrollment method.

    2. Select the 3rd Party app authentication method.

  3. Set the rest of the primary certificate options as desired and select Next.

  4. For all Certificate fields select the REST Request or Fixed Value as the source of the field’s value.

  5. At the REST API User Binding step, select the service user you previously created.


    If you do not select a user, then any API KEY can be used to authenticate against this profile. As a best practice, DigiCert strongly recommends you bind the profile to a specific user with appropriate user roles.

  6. Complete the rest of the wizard and select Create.

When you have a profile that issues certificates for REST API requests from Postman, configure Postman for API key authentication.