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Gebruik de validatiemethode voor Praktische HTTP-demonstratie om de controle over het domein te verifiëren

Controle over een domein op uw TLS/SSL-certificaatorder aantonen met Praktische HTTP-demonstratie

Use HTTP Practical Demonstration to demonstrate control over a domain on your OV/EV TLS/SSL certificate order. For information about this DCV method and other DCV methods, see Demonstrate control over domains on a pending certificate order.

Validating domains during the certificate order process means certificates can only be issued after you've completed the domain validation. For faster certificate issuance, prevalidate domains when possible. To learn more about domain prevalidation, see Domain prevalidation: Supported DCV methods.

Before you begin


Only use the HTTP Practical Demonstration DCV methods to demonstrate control over fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) exactly as named in the certificate request. To learn more, visit Domain Validation Policy Changes.

Use one of the other supported DCV methods, such as email, DNS TXT, and CNAME, to:

  • Validate wildcard domains (*

  • Include subdomains in the validation when validating a higher-level domain. For example, if you want to cover,, and when validating the higher-level domain

  • Prevalidate entire domains and subdomains.

To demonstrate control over your domain, host a file containing a DigiCert-generated random value (provided for the domain in your CertCentral account) at a predetermined location on your website: http://{domain-name}/.well-known/pki-validation/fileauth.txt.

After you've created the file and placed it on your site, DigiCert visits the specified URL to confirm the presence of our random value. Make sure to avoid the Veelgemaakte fouten: DCV-methode Praktische HTTP-demonstratie.

Stap 1: De status van uw lopende order controleren

Ga naar de detailpagina Order van het SSL/TLS-certificaat om te zien welke domein- en organisatievalidatie moet worden uitgevoerd voordat we uw certificaat kunnen uitgeven.

  1. Ga in uw CertCentral-account naar de detailpagina Ordernummer van de order.

    1. Ga in het linkerhoofdmenu naar Certificaten > Orders.

    2. Klik op de pagina Orders, in de kolom Ordernummer, op de koppeling naar het ordernummer van het certificaat.

  2. Op de detailpagina Ordernummer controleert u in het gedeelte Validatie wordt uitgevoerd de uitgiftestatus van de order (wacht de order voor afronding op domein- of organisatievalidatie?).

    After validation is complete (domains and organization), the Order status section no longer appears on the Order # details page.

  3. Under You Need To, select the domain's link you want to validate.

  4. In the Prove control over domain window, in the DCV Method dropdown, select HTTP Practical Demonstration.

  5. Create a .txt file and add the DigiCert-provided random value.

    1. Open a text editor (e.g., Notepad).

    2. In the Order token box, copy your token and paste the random value in text editor.

      The random value expires after 30 days.

    3. Save the .txt file under this name: fileauth.txt.

  6. Create the .well-known/pki-validation/ directory on your site.

    For Windows-based servers, the .well-known folder must be created via command line (mkdir .well-known).

  7. Place the fileauth.txt file on your site under .well-known/pki-validation.

    The URL should look something like this:


  8. Complete domain validation

    1. In your CertCentral account, go to the order's Order # details page.

    2. On the Order # details page, in the Validation in Progress section, under You Need To, locate and select the domain link.

    3. In the Prove control over domain window, under 4. Complete domain validation, select Check site.