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Create custom reports

Display the records

Start by displaying the enrollment or certificate records to include in the report.

For enrollments:

  • Go to Enrollments to display your enrollment records.

  • Use the column header filters as needed to refine the list of enrollments to include in the report.

For certificates:

  • Go to the Inventory page to display your certificate records.

  • Use the dropdown menu at top to load a system view or one of your saved custom views.

  • Use the column header filters as needed to refine the list of certificates to include in the report.

Create the custom report

To create a custom report from the current view on the Enrollments or Inventory page:

  1. Select the download icon above the table, on the right.

  2. Select Create custom report.

  3. Enter a Report name to identify it and select Next.

  4. In the Columns section, select the columns of data to include in the report. The columns get output in the order you select them here.

  5. Verify the selected columns and column order in the Selected columns order section and adjust if needed:

    • Select X to remove any columns.

    • To reorder, first remove the columns and then reselect them in the correct order in the Columns section.

    • Select Sort alphabetically to sort the columns alphabetically.

  6. Select Create custom report to save the report.

After creating the custom report

Go to Reporting & auditing > Report library to check report status and view and manage the report.

The user who created the report receives an email notification with a direct link to download the report when ready.

Each custom report remains in the report library for 30 days. To prevent a report from expiring, use the report library management functions to run it again.