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Enable your API token

If an API key was previously disabled, API requests using that key will be blocked. Enabling the API key restores API access and allows it to be used for authentication again. You can disable the API key again at any time if needed.

You may want to enable an API key if:

  • The key was temporarily disabled for security or maintenance.

  • API integrations need to be restored after being blocked.

  • The key is required again after an account update or permission change.

Before you begin

It may be useful to consider the following before you begin:

  • Expired API keys cannot be re-enabled. If the key has expired, you must generate a new one.

  • Some API integrations may require you to restart services or update configurations to recognize the re-enabled API key.

To enable your API key

  1. Sign in to DigiCert ONE.

  2. In the top-right corner, select the profile icon > Admin Profile.

  3. On the Admin page, in the API Tokens section, in the Filter tokens by dropdown, select Disabled.

  4. Locate the API token and select ellipsis (⁝) > Enable.

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