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Certificate lifecycle automation

Use DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Lifecycle Manager to automate certificate lifecycle management on your web servers, network appliances, and cloud services. This works to reduce TLS administration overhead, enhance security, and mitigate the risk of business disruptions due to human error.

All phases of the certificate lifecycle can be automated. Management actions include:

  • Enroll and install new certificates on unsecured IP/port targets.

  • Reissue and replace existing certificates when changes are needed.

  • Renew existing certificates before they expire.

  • Switch to DigiCert certificates from another certificate authority.

  • Install duplicate certificates on redundant systems.

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This section covers DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Lifecycle Manager's managed automation solution. To use a third-party ACME client on your web servers, see Third-party ACME integration guide.