Select the nickname of the registered values to modify.
On the Registered values details page, you can perform the following tasks:
Update registered values information
Modify enrollment profiles assignment
Select division visibility
Manage allowed values
Under General information next to Registered values information, click the edit icon to modify the following as needed:
Enter a new Registered values nickname.
Enter a new Description.
To save changes, click Update general information.
Under Enrollment profiles assignment:
To add an enrollment profile, select the profile from the dropdown and click Assign enrollment profile(s).
To remove an enrollment profile, hover over the nickname of the enrollment profile and select the remove assignment icon.
Under Divisions, next to Divisions that can view and edit this registered values, click the edit icon.
Select whether all divisions can view and manage or only divisions you select.
To save changes, click Update division setting.
What are datasets?
Allowed values use datasets, which are comma-separated value (CSV) files, to identify valid certificate requests. Each column in the CSV identifies a certificate value to validate against, with the first row identifying the certificate field, and subsequent rows identifying allowed values for their respective column.
Under Allowed values:
Click the edit icon next to the dataset nickname to modify the following as needed:
Enter a new Nickname.
Enter a new Description.
To save changes, click Update dataset.
Click the more actions menu to perform the following tasks:
Download dataset Downloads a zip file of the current dataset being used.
Add to dataset Adds values from the uploaded CSV to the existing dataset. Duplicates are ignored.
Remove from dataset Removes values contained in the uploaded CSV from the existing dataset. This is a destructive action.
Replace dataset Replaces the existing dataset with the uploaded CSV. This is a destructive action.
Disable dataset Disables the dataset from being used for allowed values.
Delete dataset Removes the dataset from the registered values. This is a destructive action.
Hover over the registered values you want to disable and select More actions > Disable.
Hover over the registered values you want to delete and select More actions > Delete.